Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Holiday

Daddy has put this blog together for Mommy (whom he loves very much) as a Christmas present. All of the posts prior to this one have been retroactively dated to the day the pictures were taken. From now on both Mommy and Daddy will be able to make posts to share with you.

Delia and Grandma Laura hope you have a happy holiday.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Solid Food

Delia is ready to start trying solid food. We figure we'll start slow and not pressure her. We are trying "baby led weening" where she will get food that she can eat, rather than processed foods. We started with avocado, then sweet potato, pears and banana. It mostly gets everywhere, but she is progressing well.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Here Comes Santa

As we are were getting ready for Christmas time, we took a day and saw the Orlando Youth Symphony Orchestra. It was Delia's first concert. As a bonus, Santa was there. Delia was not impressed.